Themelios to be a FREE Online Journal

Yesterday, Rob Bradshaw of posted here that the student journal Themelios will soon be a free online journal edited by D. A. Carson and published by the Gospel Coalition. Up until now, Rob’s site has been the online host for Themelios articles not published elsewhere.

And from Rob’s site, here’s another article on James that wasn’t in the Recent James Scholarship page yet…

Dyrness, William. 1981. “Mercy Triumphs Over Justice: James 2:13 and the Theology of Faith and Works.” Themelios 6.3 (April): 11-16.

Hasselhoff on James 2:2-7 Now Available

To be published June 1 is Susan R. Holman’s (ed.) Wealth and Poverty in Early Church and Society in the series Holy Cross Studies in Patristic Theology and History. This volume will include the following article already available with the Amazon Online Reader

Hasselhoff, Görge K. 2008. “James 2:2-7 in Early Christian Thought.” In Wealth and Poverty in Early Church and Society, ed. Susan R. Holman, 48-55. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

Hasselhoff (55) concludes his article with an intriguing thought… “These interpretations may suggest why it appears that it was difficult for early Christians to receive and accept this letter… Was James’s (implied) social criticism such a powerful influence? Does its radical critique of wealth–which ought to be opposed by true faith expressed by ethically good behavior–explain the limits of its reception?”

I have also added the following work to the Recent James Scholarship page…

Tamez, Elsa. 2002. The Scandalous Message of James: Faith Without Works Is Dead, rev. ed. New York: Crossroad.

Similar to Hasselhoff’s conclusion, the back cover of Tamez’s book points to the same theme…

“‘Faith without works is dead’ is the exhortation that made the New Testament letter of James both noteworthy and notorious. Its sharp condemnation of the rich who exploit the poor motivates many church leaders to omit James from their liturgies or to interpret it as metaphorical.”